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ph Wkshop KS 2016
Habitat Flowers Pam auction
ph Peggy&Megan RC Fair 2018_edited
VO Workshop PHOTOT 2 Marcus Oct 2016
YBR Gardner_edited
ccc India GRP2008
YBR OpenHouse
YBR Kelsey
YBR bthroomFair 020
learning to fish
ccc diners multigen
ph Peggy&Megan RC Fair 2018_edited_edite
ph Terri and Wendi
CCC cilantro dressing
Eating PF &
ph Peggy&Megan RC Fair 2018
ccc diners2 2010
habitat flowers and pam
ccc chef LW mentor
CCC Girls
YBR Ribon cutting
YBR bthrm social
Habitat Flowers Pam auction
Eating PF &
Habitat Flowers Pam auction
Valley Oak at Hieronymous Park (11)
ph Prudential br workshop 2016
Homeschool Outdoor Ed Day at Lee MetCalf
6 CCC PF&HJ togos
YBR Ribon cutting
Valley Oak at Centennial Grove (5)
YBR bthrm social
sch Olmec Head at deYoung Museum in San Francisco kids taking notes from Docent
CCC Themed ALL2009
Watershed Health HCA&Homeschool (2)
VO Workshop PHOTO Marcus oct 2016
Watershed Health HCA&Homeschool (5)
Valley Oak at Centennial Grove (26)
2016-11-17 19.56.13
3 ccc diner2
8 ccc G Treasure
2 CCC mentoring
9 CCC Group Fun 2012
ph Wkshop Costs 2016
ph Wkshop Research b 2016
ph Wkshop All &&A 2016
ph VO Wrkshop Corvallis 2016 b
ph Wkshop interactive 2016
ccc EmilySushi
ccc JL Serving Indian
ccc RH&LW Indian
1 ccc PF&MS pumkin
2016-11-17 19.56.30
2016-11-17 20.10.58
ph Wksp small group 2
ph Wksp PM&parent Nov2016
Science Field Trip with Group of Homeschooler

Valley Oak is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization of Bitter Root Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.


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